Services we offer

Kakivak association is committed to facilitating business, employment and training activities in every Qikiqtani community. We do this by offering a wide variety of programs designed to:

  • Help train Inuit to start up, manage and expand their own businesses
  • Assist childcare centres with funding and logistical support
  • Support youth and disabled people with wage subsidy, training and job creation programs
  • Support tourism-related employment and training in communities near National Parks in the Baffin region.

Our programs are divided into three departments:

  1. Business Development Department
  2. Childcare, Youth and Disability Department
  3. Training and Employment Department

Are you eligible for funding?

Program funding can be accessed by individuals, Inuit organizations, public or training institutions, municipalities, non-profit societies, private employers and co-operatives. Please consult the program guidelines for specific eligibility criteria.

What is the deadline?

Applications are received and reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the year, subject to annual budgeting limits. Kakivak strives to give notice on applications within 45 days of their receipt.

Service Delivery

Kakivak knows that it can be difficult accessing services in our communities.We want to help you in the way that best meets your needs. We provide service delivery through:

  • Telephone: Our toll-free number will connect you to a trained program officer who will provide advice, assistance and guidance on programs and services. Call 1-800-561-0911 anytime during standard business hours.
  • The Web: The new Kakivak website contains information on our programs and services and new web tools to allow you to access online application forms and easy search tools.
  • E-mail:You can also send us your questions via e-mail from the Web site.
  • Fax: We know the internet is not always reliable. Send us your questions, requests or applications by FAX to 867-979-3707
  • In Person: Make an appointment to come in and meet with one of our program officers in Iqaluit.The Qikiqtani Inuit Association Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) in each community are also available to assist local residents, businesses, organizations and government with face-to-face Kakivak service delivery.
  • Community Open Houses: Kakivak ensures that every community in the region is visited at least once a year. Check our website to find out when we are hosting an Open House in your community. This is an excellent opportunity to attend general information sessions, or to meet one-on-one with Kakivak staff. Contact Us today.